Tag Archives: depression

Depression and a Message From the Author of “The Blue Veil”

I would like to bring this post from Leigh to my reader’s attention. I have emailed her that I would post this message from her editing out what I felt may have been directed personally toward me. At this time (August 10, 2012) I will make a post soon to update on what has been happening with me these past few months. It has been alot and I hope I don’t bore you with all I will have to say…..but then again it is more of an outlet for me but it is also my greatest hope that maybe I will say something that might just help you, that in itself would be my greatest reward! -Bubba-

My email response to Leigh:

Dear Leigh,
Please forgive me for the long delay in replying to your message on my blog. Due to the severity of my physical and mental fatigue and the psychological challenge I deal with from day to day (caused mostly from the post-polio symptoms) it is difficult for me at times to post and keep up my blog. Today a feel a bit stronger and will post your message with a bit of editing on parts that maybe confidential, that is sections you may have meant for only me. I will do all I can to help you in whatever way I can.
I have openly admitted not only on the Internet but also to family, friends, co-works and my physicians regarding my depression and social anxiety. It is important for me to let people who know me know the truth, not matter the consequences. Also my blog it meant as a kind of “outlet” for me but most of all I hope that my experiences can help others in a positive way.
There continues to be a stigmatism against people with depression and other psychological problems. I try not to let it bother me as I am not ashamed of my diagnosis nor that I see a Psychiatrist on a regular basis. I think it is dangerous to hold secrets or truths about ourselves because it can often eat away at us like a cancer. In the beginning, less than 16 months ago I didn’t really know what was wrong with me. I only knew that the post-polio was taking a turn towards the worse, I became more anxious at work due to stress and dealing with people I didn’t know. I was become more self-conscious of my physical disability, my forgetfulness, slowness in comprehension, etc. Finally it came to a head and I tried to end my life.
Since that time I have accepted my limitations and deal with them with them as best I can. Yes, the medications my psychiatrist has prescribed, my stubbornness to keep working even though my body is telling me to stop, my acceptance of my Social Anxiety and Depression has helped me to function better in my daily life and to take it one day at a time.
I am going to try and update my blog today with a bit of your info and also to write and update on what has been going on with me in the last few months.
Long story short, just let me know what I can do for you and if I can I will.
“To Thine Own Self Be True!”


Dear Bubba,

My name is Leigh. Your exceptional blog deals with your life, smoking, depression awareness and I know you are familiar with the importance of mental health. It is for these reasons that I contact you today.

I am ‘every woman’, the girl next door and the one you never would have suspected, however, for years I have been struggling with depression. I have written a book about my experiences entitled “The Blue Veil”.

Through this book, it is my aim to reduce the stigma of depression by increasing awareness of the issue. I am donating a large percentage of the proceeds to 15 carefully chosen mental health awareness organizations worldwide.  I have provided the list of these organizations at the end of this email.

This is where you come in.  I am organizing a 2 month long online book release campaign, structured around various depression awareness weeks around the world. It will be from July 1st to August 31st. My request is, during this period of time would you be willing to host me on your blog for a few days of those months? This can be carried out in a few ways: -I would send you a couple/few articles that talk about my book and of course depression awareness. You would post these articles on your blog over a few days during those months (letting me know which days you will choose) OR -You could write your own prose about “The Blue Veil” and depression awareness and post these articles on your blog over the course of the  months (letting me know which days you will choose).

More on “The Blue Veil”: Up to 58 MILLION suffer from it in the US alone, and VERY FEW talk about it. Is it your friend, colleague or neighbor? Now, finally, ‘The Blue Veil’ brings a modern, raw account of depression.   Read it and understand your loved ones better.  Be assured that no one is alone.

“Leigh has everything going for her when the unthinkable happens. She loses control of her own emotions and everything in her life begins to slip away. With a marriage strained to the brink, the loss of her father, fertility issues and the loss of her job, will Leigh be able to move beyond The Blue Veil and take back control of her future?“

Thanks so much for your consideration and efforts. I understand that you are  busy, so I wanted to express my sincere gratitude. It is with great respect for you and your blog that I write this email and it would mean so much to me to have your readers aware of my efforts.

Please do not hesitate to contact me at any time if you have any questions regarding my request.

Sincerely yours,


Twitter: FB Page The Blue Veil

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Posted by on August 10, 2012 in Uncategorized


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